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"Averbado" and "Instituído"

Brasilprev Seguros e Previdência S.A. is an Open Complementary Pension company of Banco do Brasil in association with the Principal Financial Group, established in 1993. It offers two types of plans: PGBL (Free Benefit Generator Plan) and VGBL (Life Free Benefit Generator). In addition to individual plans, it has plans for minors (0 to 21 years) and corporate plans (Averbado and Instituído), the focus of this Customer Experience project.

What are the project's pain points?

The request was for the construction of two relationship actions for Wholesale: "Averbado" and "Instituído", aiming to attract new clients for both plans. The client had already suggested some ideas for execution before understanding whether they would work for the context we were facing. We knew that it might be necessary to "go back a few steps."

Duration: between March and May 2020.


What do we suggest?

An investigative approach to put the customer at the center of the journey, since there was limited data to work directly on campaigns or actions.

We conducted explorations through:

Google trends: to understand what the general public searches for regarding private pension and about Brasilprev in the last 2 years, 12 months, 60 days, and 30 days.

Exploratory: qualitative research through sampling between April 1st and 4th with men and women aged 18 to 60 who either had or did not have a pension plan, across diverse professions.

And a comparative netnographic analysis of Brasilprev with other competing players and the behavioral change in media consumption at the start of the pandemic.



We developed a unique briefing canvas model for the project, analyzing the impact of more strategic actions on the business and the brand, in addition to establishing sprints within the design thinking process, developing the entire process from research to activations in a month.


What did we initially discover?

We encountered an extremely dangerous scenario:


  1. A pejorative nickname spreading like wildfire across all social networks, created by customers frustrated with confusing or automated brand information and presenting as a threat to brand equity, in addition to findings about behavioral trends within the pandemic context regarding finances.

  2. We also identified several issues in the consumer journey up to that point that would need to be reviewed, both for endorsed and instituted plans, since in-person visits were out of the question and the brand relationship's strength had always been based on face-to-face interactions.


What we presented (1st phase)

Based on the new scenario, we proposed that the brand should NOT invest, at that moment, in the actions they wanted to hire us for. We suggested focusing on a comprehensive review of daily activities and customer relations to reverse the initial omission and their subsequent, late, and confused positioning during the instability of the first month of social isolation.

We brought up issues to be addressed such as:

  1. Reversing the brand image with customers

  2. Proposals for adapting products and services to the needs of isolation, generating positive experiences

  3. More sustainable and collective attitudes, with social impact

  4. And experiences inside and outside the company suggesting greater openness to virtual experiences, through digital platforms, within a new lifestyle

And we defined that they should focus on:



What We Presented (2nd phase)

For the "Instituído", the proposal was to review the prospecting journey with the concept: "Our main character", where the customer would be the protagonist of their own movie. We used several tools in this phase, such as mind mapping, brainstorming, CSD and prioritization matrices, in addition to reconstructing personas, scripting, and mapping journeys to tie into the gamified action.

During the activation stages, the client would receive, at different times, packages with instructions (both physical and virtual) depending on the stage of the journey to interact with a platform created within the concept of the action. Throughout the process, they would continue interacting and providing measurable data until the decision point to hire the plan or not. If they chose to hire, another journey would begin with an exclusive prize within the theme, and if they decided to end the relationship, they would also receive a gift for their participation.

For the "Averbado", the goal was to direct the prospect to TEO's virtual customer service and subsequently to join the plan.

We developed the concept for a WhatsApp web series: "Unraveling Stories", which would tell the cases of personas mapped during the discovery process, represented by 6 characters. All interaction was through WhatsApp with videos and daily call to actions, in addition to forming a monitorable network afterwards. The action would take place over several consecutive days, providing relevant information in a lighter and more optimistic tone, and directing the user to interact with TEO.

We defined the concept and creative mood boards for both activations.




All these items were re-evaluated together by the marketing, digital, and CX departments of Brasilprev and Wholesale, after our diagnosis and suggestions. After delivering the first phase, they promoted new action plans that have been and are still being implemented, with a profound change not only in internal communication between areas of the organization, which previously were not promoting this integrated dialogue, but also in how they worked or received information from customers. The process was consolidated with the brand's revitalization. In this way, diving into internal conditions and external perceptions, during a crisis, contributed to the first steps towards the transformation that the organization would undergo in the following months and gave rise to other relevant projects.



Dream team: 

Adriana Tamashiro: Talent hunter, Project Manager and Design Thinking Facilitator

Anna Castanha: Planner e Senior Researcher

Gabriela Camargo: Screenwriter, Storyteller, and UX Writer

Débora Weinberg: UX Researcher

Helena Way: Senior Art Director, UI Designer

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